Tofu pear salad

I had zero inspiration of what to make for dinner tonight, not a normal situation for me as I usually plan out what I’m going to make for dinner while I’m eating breakfast! Yes, I’m food obsessed. Anyways, I asked the four year old I nanny what she thought Ali and I should have and she said salad, (is she trying to tell me something?) and I immediately thought of our beloved pear and tofu salad that we haven’t made in ages!

It’s super easy and quick when you’re not feeling like cooking or a big clean up, and of course, rather nutritious.

Gather up some:

Rocket (arugula), spinach
Baby tomats
Green onion
Purple onion
sweet and salty tofu

Chop up everything and arrange prettily on a nice plate. Sauté the purple onion with the tofu. Add that to your plate of beautiful veggies and use what ever dressing tickles your cucumber…I whisked up a mixture of Dijon mustard, lemon juice, olive oil, miso, garlic paprika and pepper.


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